
Hey guy so I just went to a planetarium in my school so I hope you like it bye.

First we went in a giant igloo thing and then we saw what was in space and my favorite thing was seeing different plant.




Mr.Martinez is very cool.When we need help he helps us.It feels diffrent without Mr.LA.The sub helps us many ways.

Solution for Previous Dots

A solution for the previous dots is to grab a ruler (Or Several) and place it where the dot is and extended it to the other tether ball court and then place the dots. This MIGHT work but I’m not 100% sure it will. (Sorry for accedently posting on the N.E.S.T I was logged in in a different account which made me post it on the N.E.S.T)

Solution for Previous Dots

A solution for the previous dots is to measure the dots with a ruler after that you do that you put the the ruler with the marker spaces on the white square if the shadows match you place the dots there.

Solution for Previous Dot

I think we should messure the area of the circle and messure the area of the square and transport the location from the circle to the square.



